Sunday, August 24, 2014

Worried Christian

I am not your fire and brimstone kind of Christian, but I need to share this with you because of what is going on in our world today.

My bible study and church service both paralleled each other making its emphasis so much stronger.  The other parallel it brought to mind is what is going on today in our world.
In my bible study we studied Daniel 7.  Daniel prophesized in a dream where he saw visions of nations at war.  He saw four huge beasts representing a world empire. 

The lion represented Babylon (our modern day Iraq),

a bear that ravaged the lion representing Persia (our modern day Iran)

and the leopard represented Greece (our modern day Syria). 

The fourth and largest beast points out to Rome and the end times. 

The large one has 10 horns that represent 10 Kings who will reign before God sets up tribulation.  The little horn is a human ruler (an anti-Christ).   God describes the end times in II Thessalonians 2:3,4.  Also see Revelation 13:5-8.  

In Revelation 17:3, John recorded a vision of a scarlet beast with 7 heads and 10 horns symbolizing the powers on earth that will rule under the anti-Christ. 

Daniel 7:10 God is ministered by millions of angels (also Rev 5:11,12).  God opens his book of life and the dead were judged (also Rev 20:12).  Non-believers will not be saved.

Daniel 7:18,25  tells us that believers will be saved in the end times.

Daniel 7:19 discusses how Christians will suffer persecution.  We are seeing that today in Iraq and Syria (aka Babylon and Persia).

Daniel 7:23 One of the ten kings will take over three of the kings.  He will make war against Christ and Christians and attempt to stop all religious activities and laws. 26 But the Kings’ power will be taken away and destroyed and the Christians will be given the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Mike spoke from Matthew 24 & 25.

Matt 24:3 the disciples asked what the end times were going to be like?  4,9 says Don’t be mislead by a false messiah. 

Signs of end times: false messiahs, wars, famines, earthquakes, horrible living conditions, persecution, false religions, lawlessness and love turning cold (Matt 24:12) 

Does any of this sound familiar???

In Matt 24:36 Jesus says that no one will know what day or hour these things will happen.  It was compared to Noah’s day when people were told of the flood but everyone went on with their lives until the flood swept them all away. 

Matt 24:42 So we must keep watch!  We must be ready! (also Matt 25:13)

Matt 24:50 He will return unannounced and put all the hypocrites in a place where there will be weeping an gnashing of the teeth.

Matt 25:24-30 We must not make excuses to avoid what God asks us to do. If we ignore, squander or abuse what we are given, there will be eternal punishment.

Matt 25:32  All the nations will be gathered and He will separate them like a shepherd will separate sheep from goats (parable for believers from non-believers).

Matt 25:40 By serving others, you are a servant of God. (also Isaiah 58:7)  He will curse the ones who are unwilling to serve others and go to eternal punishment.

So what should we be like?  II Peter 3:11 We should live holy and Godly lives.  If we are morally clean and spiritually alert, Christ’s return will not be a surprise. 
There it is!!  Put out in front of you like it was given to me.  With this in mind,  I am a worried Christian.  I am worried for those that deny knowing Christ.  I am praying for my ministry to touch and heal bitter souls who have turned from God.
If you (or someone you know) have any questions about “being saved” or “becoming a believer”, please email me at 

Blessings to you and yours,
Judy Herrig

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